
23 de out. de 2011

Lista de Portas de Trojan Horses II

Alguns aqui repetem o tópico da parte 1 da lista:

Porta 21 - Blade Runner, Doly Trojan, Fore, Invisible FTP, WebEx, WinCrash

Porta 23 - Tiny Telnet Server

Porta 25 - Antigen, Email Password Sender, Haebu Coceda, Terminator, Shtrilitz
Stealth, WinPC, WinSpy

Porta 31 - Hackers Paradise, Master's Paradise 8

Porta 121 - BO jammerkillahV

Porta 456 - Hackers Paradise

Porta 555 - Ini-Killer, Phase Zero, Stealth Spy

Porta 666 - Satanz Backdoor, Attack FTP

Porta 1001 - Silencer, WebEx

Porta 1011 - Doly Trojan

Porta 1033 - NetSpy

Porta 1080 - Wingate (Socks-Proxy)

Porta 1170 - Psyber Stream Server, Voice, Streaming Audio Trojan

Porta 1234 - Ultors Trojan

Porta 1243 - SubSeven

Porta 1245 - VooDoo Doll

Porta 1492 - FTP99CMP

Porta 1509 - Psyber Streaming Server

Porta 1600 - Shivka-Burka

Porta 1807 - SpySender

Porta 1981 - Shockrave

Porta 1999 - BackDoor

Porta 2001 - Trojan Cow

Porta 2023 - Ripper

Porta 2115 - Bugs

Porta 2140 - Deep Throat, The Invasor

Porta 2565 - Striker

Porta 2583 - WinCrash 2.0

Porta 2801 - Phineas Phucker

Porta 3024 - WinCrash

Porta 3129 - Masters Paradise

Porta 3150 - Deep Throat, The Invasor

Porta 3700 - Portal of Doom

Porta 4590 - ICQTrojan

Porta 4950 - IcqTrojen

Porta 5000 - Sockets de Troie

Porta 5001 - Sockets de Troie

Porta 5321 - Firehotcker

Porta 5400 - Blade Runner

Porta 5401 - Blade Runner

Porta 5402 - Blade Runner

Porta 5569 - Robo-Hack

Porta 5742 - WinCrash

Porta 6400 - The tHing

Porta 6670 - DeepThroat

Porta 6771 - DeepThroat

Porta 6883 - DeltaSource

Porta 6939 - Indoctrination

Porta 6969 - GateCrasher, Priority

Porta 7000 - Remote Grab

Porta 7300 - NetMonitor

Porta 7301 - NetMonitor

Porta 7306 - NetMonitor

Porta 7307 - NetMonitor

Porta 7308 - NetMonitor

Porta 7789 - ICKiller

Porta 9872 - Portal of Doom

Porta 9873 - Portal of Doom

Porta 9874 - Portal of Doom

Porta 9875 - Portal of Doom

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